Sunday, February 28, 2016

Sitting somewhere, the new beginning

The Sun was kissing my cheeks as I sat there enjoying my pretzel and cheese. I sat there in the warmth and serenity of it all. Watching the cars drive up the hill and then by.

I watched the teenagers in little groups, leave the restaurant down below and then enter the school bus. One of the teenage girls yelled out the window, "she likes you!!" I grinned at the flattery, even though she was probably doing it just to embarrass her friend.

I sat there eating my pretzel, wearing my deadpool t-shirt and wearing my cool shades. I sat there, watching the world around me. Looking at the beautiful blue sky, the leafless trees, the people and teenagers coming and going into and out of the restaurant below. I watched the cars drive by and even waved at a few.

Sitting there I pictured the scene in Deadpool where he is sitting on the side of the bridge freeway. Him sitting there doodling, me sitting eating my pretzel. I had to wonder for a moment what the people thought as they saw me sitting there. In the oddest of places, in the grass on the side of the hill, looking as cool as could be without a care in the world.

Obviously the teenage girls thought I was pretty cool. Or perhaps just felt sorry for me, watching me eat my pretzel all alone on the side of a hill. Yea... that's it I'm sure! But I indulged in the flattery a bit longer.

I guess I should have had some thoughts as I sat there, enjoying my pretzel and cheese. With a tasty strawberry lemonade beverage to wash it all down. Save the Deadpool reflection, I had none. Just the sky, the hill, the grass, the cars, the teenagers, and me. Ohh, and the tasty pretzel! To which I was horking down like a lion devouring a young gazelle. Yup, just me and a pretzel, sitting, enjoying.

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