Sunday, November 29, 2015

Simply me

I'm still alive!!

I haven't given up or forgotten about this blog or what I plan to accomplish. It may take a little longer then the original year long intention. But that is ok!

This is meant to enhance my writing and further my creative juices, not hinder or complicate them. I do have a life beyond my blogs and beyond my writing. So, it's all done as a pastime. And it should be enjoyable at all times. It should delight and inspire me, to want to write and inspire you.

I have a regular Monday thru Friday job, just like most everybody else. And that job is about as far away as one can get from paragraphs and poetic rhymes. I'm a maintenance technician, which sounds a lot fancier than it is I assure you. I fix things for a living, appliances, electrical, plumbing... that sort of stuff. I work with my hands, but you would never guess by the feel of my oddly soft hands.

I'm a Jack of trades, and with that a master of none. But I do enjoy the variety of it, I enjoy taking things apart and seeing their inner workings. However, do I want to do it for the rest of my days? No, I just happen to be good at it. And I like the idea of one day being a writer that can fix things. I like surprising people with the unexpected.

So I do intend to finish what I started. I'm just taking a momentary break as I try to find the balance. The balance between life, work, writing and a new hobby, photography. Not sure where life is taking me, but I'm starting to find the groove. And I'm beginning to make it mine.

Bare with me just a tad longer if you have followed along thus far. Balance in all things, finding my balance and I may stumble a bit.

So... check back soon! Ciao!!

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Writing prompt #10

"An alien has just abducted you. Give three reasons why it would send you back to earth."

I've been waiting to write on this one. I have a sister who if she doesn't hear from me for awhile. Automatically assumes aliens have abducted me and to please let me send her a text between my probings.

Honestly though, I think if a real abduction ever did occur. I would crap myself, yes... you read correctly I would have Hershey squirts in my pants. (Stand by me reference, a favorite movie of mine.) I think anybody that says they would do otherwise has either not truly thought about it or is just lying. YOUR BEING ABDUCTED BY BEINGS FROM A WHOLE OTHER PLANET!! Crapping yourself is probably the bare minimum of how you would react.

Three reasons why to send me back... I could just given one! Among the human race of all the billions of minds on the planet. I'm a moron!! So... the likely hood of the alien or aliens learning anything by probing me is highly unlikely.

Let's see, I don't know anybody of any real importance to society. I mean to me their priceless but to the majority of the world. Their just another human living their life. I don't own anything of actual importance either. Incase wealth of some kind is the driving force of my abductors.

I think the most important reason. My sister! One she would miss me, two she would annoy them with questions of how many times they probed me that week. And third... she'd probably kick their ass if they didn't eventually return me. Of course, this is after she stops laughing, and then for the rest of my days I will have to put up with probing jokes...

Monday, November 2, 2015

Writing prompt #9

"What one rule from your childhood do you not agree with now that you're an adult?"

I can't say I have one. I believe children should have rules. Life has rules, society has rules, jobs have rules. We are governed by rules. We may not always agree with the rules but they're there to keep us safe. To keep us from harming ourselves or others. To keep us in check so we don't just run rampant like a herd of buffalo trampling anything in our path.

Of course all rules are more like guidelines. We can choose not to follow them. Sometimes bend them with little or no consequence. It's when we flat out don't follow them that has consequences. Say if you decide to climb mount Everest and you haven't prepared for it. "Life's rule - you should always be prepared for whatever adventure you undertake." And no I don't mean fully prepared, like you can account for all things. No, nobody can do that. I mean like you're mentally prepared, you've packed the right equipment, you have experience in mountain climbing, etc... Life, nature, the elements are all wild and untamed. So... sure you can decide to not follow life's rule and head up the mountain with whatever. But the consequence is... you could die!
When the park ranger tells you not to feed the animals and you decide... To hell with the park ranger and feed the wild animals. Consequence... again... you could die!

You see, rules are there for a reason. So the petty rules We all have as children are there to prepare us for just the basic survival necessities of well... life!
I didn't mind going to bed early as a child, sure sometimes I would stay up a little longer reading comic books or whatever. And that was no big deal. But there were times I would stay up A LOT later then I was supposed to. Annndd I would pay for it the next morning by being tired.

So, No! I don't have a childhood rule that I don't agree with now. They helped to make me the well rounded person I am today. If your parents have a rule that you don't agree with I'm sure it's for a good reason. Even if at the time you don't understand what that is.