Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Writing prompt #10

"An alien has just abducted you. Give three reasons why it would send you back to earth."

I've been waiting to write on this one. I have a sister who if she doesn't hear from me for awhile. Automatically assumes aliens have abducted me and to please let me send her a text between my probings.

Honestly though, I think if a real abduction ever did occur. I would crap myself, yes... you read correctly I would have Hershey squirts in my pants. (Stand by me reference, a favorite movie of mine.) I think anybody that says they would do otherwise has either not truly thought about it or is just lying. YOUR BEING ABDUCTED BY BEINGS FROM A WHOLE OTHER PLANET!! Crapping yourself is probably the bare minimum of how you would react.

Three reasons why to send me back... I could just given one! Among the human race of all the billions of minds on the planet. I'm a moron!! So... the likely hood of the alien or aliens learning anything by probing me is highly unlikely.

Let's see, I don't know anybody of any real importance to society. I mean to me their priceless but to the majority of the world. Their just another human living their life. I don't own anything of actual importance either. Incase wealth of some kind is the driving force of my abductors.

I think the most important reason. My sister! One she would miss me, two she would annoy them with questions of how many times they probed me that week. And third... she'd probably kick their ass if they didn't eventually return me. Of course, this is after she stops laughing, and then for the rest of my days I will have to put up with probing jokes...

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