Monday, November 2, 2015

Writing prompt #9

"What one rule from your childhood do you not agree with now that you're an adult?"

I can't say I have one. I believe children should have rules. Life has rules, society has rules, jobs have rules. We are governed by rules. We may not always agree with the rules but they're there to keep us safe. To keep us from harming ourselves or others. To keep us in check so we don't just run rampant like a herd of buffalo trampling anything in our path.

Of course all rules are more like guidelines. We can choose not to follow them. Sometimes bend them with little or no consequence. It's when we flat out don't follow them that has consequences. Say if you decide to climb mount Everest and you haven't prepared for it. "Life's rule - you should always be prepared for whatever adventure you undertake." And no I don't mean fully prepared, like you can account for all things. No, nobody can do that. I mean like you're mentally prepared, you've packed the right equipment, you have experience in mountain climbing, etc... Life, nature, the elements are all wild and untamed. So... sure you can decide to not follow life's rule and head up the mountain with whatever. But the consequence is... you could die!
When the park ranger tells you not to feed the animals and you decide... To hell with the park ranger and feed the wild animals. Consequence... again... you could die!

You see, rules are there for a reason. So the petty rules We all have as children are there to prepare us for just the basic survival necessities of well... life!
I didn't mind going to bed early as a child, sure sometimes I would stay up a little longer reading comic books or whatever. And that was no big deal. But there were times I would stay up A LOT later then I was supposed to. Annndd I would pay for it the next morning by being tired.

So, No! I don't have a childhood rule that I don't agree with now. They helped to make me the well rounded person I am today. If your parents have a rule that you don't agree with I'm sure it's for a good reason. Even if at the time you don't understand what that is.

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