Tuesday, October 20, 2015

The Journey begins

Starting is always the hardest part...

The challenge: 500 writing prompts in 365 days!

I think we all reach the different points in our lives where we either push forward or we move on. Sometimes it's relationships, sometimes it's career choices. Sometimes, and this is my case... you reach that point where your passion, your dreams need to become a reality or just another thought fading in the wind.

I've spent most of my life putting my passion for writing on the back burner. Always thinking... There is always tomorrow! Well... tomorrow has arrived! And sure I could spend the rest of my days being just a poet, becoming a master of rhymes. But, is that all I am?? Could I truly call myself a writer if all I wrote were haikus and sonnets? Describing the world in poetic tales? Of course I could! But I feel I have more to offer than just my poetry.

So I intend to spend the next year going thru "500 writing prompts" to stir the creative juices. To find out what I'm truly capable of.

I hope you will follow me on this journey of self strengthening. I say that because last year was my self discovery. This is the first step on the road to where I want to be...

I can't say everything I write will be... well, be anything worth reading. But all I can do is try, one can't succeed if one never tries!

So Welcome! To my year long journey! Enjoy!


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