Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Writing prompt #1

The first page says, " While at the beach you decide to write a message in a bottle. What would it say? Who would you like to find it?"

I would write a letter to my future daughter:

Dear Mia,

Hi baby girl, I know you haven't been a baby for many many years. And probably have a baby or two of your own by now.

I'm writing this letter to you, to thank you for giving me a miracle I never deserved. I remember that day the nurse wheeled you into the room where I was waiting with your mom. The actual delivery had been such a blur of nurses and screaming and acting as a stirrup for one of your mom's legs. That I didn't get the chance to grasp that a beautiful miracle had just arrived. So it wasn't until we were in the recovery room. And the nurse wheeled you in, at that very moment my heart just melted. You were the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. I picked you up and your tiny fingers wrapped around my finger. I felt so blessed and honored to be your dad.

I told myself that day, I would always be there for you. You would never question if I had your back, or if I loved you. That you would never feel alone or so scared that a hug from your old dad couldn't fix. That I would be a shoulder for you to cry on, when life brought you sad days. An ear to listen when you have to get it all out. Your strength and courage when you feel you just don't have enough. A hand to hold when you just want to take a walk. A helping chef when it's time to bake.

But... I failed. The little girl that used to never leave my side grew up. And I missed it... I may have been there during your first steps, the first time you talked and even the first hairs on your cute bald head. But I missed you turning from the young girl to the beautiful woman you've become. I missed those years when you probably needed me most.

If I could go back in time, I would have stayed. I never would have missed a single day. Because you were and still are my most favorite girl on the whole planet! And the galaxy is not big enough for all the love I feel for you.

So, I hope this letter finds you in good health. That if you got at least one thing from me. It was the joy of life, and that you enjoy every day like it's your last. That your life be filled with love and happiness all your days. That you enjoy all the little things. That you cherish each moment with your little ones. And never miss a day of any of it.

                                  All my love baby girl,
                                    Love Dad

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