Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Writing prompt #4

"Name one thing you wish your cell phone did for you that it currently does not."

This one made me chuckle too when I read it. And I suppose I could wish for something cool. Like my phone was secretly a Transformer. And I could have my very own Einstein Transformer. He'd transform at night and play Xbox with me. Or sit around watching Transformers the movie for the hundredth time. And late at night I would catch him looking up porn, because he used to be a woman's vibrator and is just addicted now.

Yea! That might actually be an 11 on the awesomeness scale. But no... my wish is a little more realistic. And doesn't apply to me anymore. But back when I was dating it would have been useful to have a crazy radar app. But not just the app, the actual phone was advanced enough to detect mental issues. It would work for males and females, because let's face it there are just as many male weirdos.

On the app you could set your level of crazy to match your own. Do I really need to say it? If you know me... you know I'm a little out there! And so the phone would scan your potential date and if the crazy went higher then your settings. You simply wish them goodnight and be on your merry way. No time wasted, no money spent, no hopes coming to light.

A simple go or no go, pass or fail. Now, Now I can already sense feathers being ruffled with this one. I know we all have baggage and skeletons in the closet. We were not born yesterday and let's face it, life hands us more lemons then Apple pie.

But no matter, life happens and we move on. And really... there is not much that smart phones do not do these days, short of transforming... I mean you can control or access just about anything from your phone these days. Can you imagine 5 or 10 years from now? By then... they will probably start implanting them in people! Phone calls come in, and a holographic version of the other person appears.

Someday... someday.

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